BWA Holo Holo Adventure

Hawaii Betsuin BWA members eagerly signed up for an August 19 BWA field trip that offered them a great opportunity to ride the new Skyline light rail system.

On the morning of the excursion, two dozen BWA members and guests traveled by bus from Hawaii Betsuin to Halawa Aloha Stadium station and used their new Holo Holo cards to gain entry to Skyline rail. As the Skyline doors opened, everyone found seats quickly. All settled in for the relaxing ride and enjoyed the passing scenery from a new perspective.

At the final station, Kualaka’i East Kapolei, BWA folks posed for a happy group photo in front of the colorful mural and they were then transported by bus to Ka Makana Ali’i shopping center to have lunch wherever they wished. After lunch, folks were free to gather and chat or walk about and shop before boarding the bus to return to Hawaii Betsuin.

Mahalo to BWA President, Jo desMarets, for organizing this terrific BWA Holo Holo adventure on Skyline rail!

Submitted by Wendie Yumori - August 2022

Photo credits: Wendie Yumori - group photo; David Atcheson - individual photos


Community Service Report


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