Building Healthy Sanghas: “Connecting with Others”
The Nembutsu: Namo Amida Butsu
Haiku: Building Healthy Sanghas:
“Connecting with Others”
Sub Theme: “What Would Shinran Do or Say?”
St. Shinran
Shinran found the Truth
Taught Jodo Shishu Hongwan
“Ondoku San”
What is Nembutsu?
One with Amida Buddha
HIS Sanghas, we are
Amida Buddha’s
Namo Amida Butsu
HIS Sanghas, will save
“We are always 3
Amida Buddha’s with you
Shinran is with you!”
Blessed are we all
“Namo Amida Butsu
From our hearts, Thank You!”
Thank you, St. Shinran
Your Teachings of Nembutsu
Bond us Sanghas ALL
HAIKU-Amida and Life
February 1, 1971
Woke up feeling ill
School was closed for Teachers’ Day
Took children to Mom
Father went with me
For a follow-up visit
I collapsed while there
Cardiac Arrest
Saved by resuscitation
A device was there
As I then awoke
And thought that I was dying
Amida, I called
Comforted was I
Namo Amida Butsu
Vow of Salvation
Gratitude for LIFE
Blessed for more than 50 years
His Infinite LOVE
Submitted by: Tomo Mohideen - September 2022