Community Service Report

July 2024

Checks Presented to Hawaii Betsuin Youth Organizations

The BWA Exec. Board rounded up the total amount collected on Eshinni/Kakushinni Day, $1190, to $1200 and donated an additional $300 for a total of $1500 to be divided equally among Hawaii Betsuin’s three youth organizations. On June 23, BWA representatives, Cindy Alm and Liane Wong, presented three $500 checks, one to Jan Nishihira of the Hongwanji Girl Scouts, and two to Wendy Harman, who accepted on behalf of Troop 49 Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts), and on behalf of Dharma School PTO.  The timing was perfect for helping Troop 49 Scouting America as they were holding a breakfast fundraiser on June 23 to raise monies for their Japan High Adventure trip.  

Bon Dance 2024 a Success!  

Warmest mahalo to Temple President, Cindy Alm, and to Bon Dance Co-Chairs, Gayle Hirohata-Goto and Rick Tabor for their dedication and hard work. 

BWA Bontique Sales 

Kudos to Bontique Chair, Liane Wong, for managing set-up, sales, and clean-up.

 Liane, Claire, and Jan at Cashier table   Racks of Bon Dance wear for sale

Sincere thanks to the BWA volunteers, directed by Liane Wong, who priced all of the items for the BWA Bontique, arranged items on tables, and set up the racks of happi, yukata, kimono, and obi for sale. Mahalo as well to volunteers who prepped the BWA kimono dressing area and the game area.

BWA Kimono dressing for Studio 3 Photography

BWA offered free kimono dressing services for folks who wished to have their photo taken by Studio 3 Photography.  Sensei Hideko Watanabe and her students from the Urasenke Foundation have volunteered their kimono dressing services for quite a few years.  Miki Saito, her daughter, Cora, and BWA volunteers also provided assistance.

BWA Game   

So many children played Let’s Go Fishing, the game sold out Friday night!  On the right – a late night shot of BWA Bontique and Kimono Dressing volunteers – Friday at 10:15 p.m.!


Submitted by Wendie Yumori - July 2024


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