Community Service Report

IHS Women’s and Family Shelter

Holiday Honu for Keiki

The Holiday Honu for Keiki project was a big success – BWA members really enjoyed cutting out, sewing,and stuffing 125 colorful fabric honu, over a four-month period, to brighten the holidays for keiki residing in shelters. On Nov. 27, Claire Groom and Sharon Yokoyama, project leaders, and Dianne Ida and Wendie Yumori, delivered 52 cute and cuddly honu to the Family Promise Shelter downtown and 68 lovable honu to the Institute for Human Services Women’s and Family Shelter in Kalihi.

CARE Day/Bodhi Day Cards

CARE (Compassionate Assistance in Response to Elders) Day is a project observed by BWA members in the world federation. Hawaii Betsuin BWA’s CARE Day is observed in Dec. to coincide with the Bodhi Day observance. In Dec., special Bodhi Day cards were given to attendees of Buddhist services conducted by Hawaii Betsuin ministers at four elder care facilities – Hale O Meleana, Hale Ho Aloha, Leahi, and Maluhia.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade Jan. 15, 2024

Hawaii Betsuin BWA members participated in the MLK, Jr. Day Parade for the first time since Jan. 2020. They carried bamboo peace poles strung with origami peace cranes and carried colorful Peace signs, many of which were made by BWA Pres., Jo desMarets. The signs which read “Norman Hirohata-Goto – Always Walking With Us!” and “Mahalo, Norman Hirohata-Goto!” honored Norman Hirohata-Goto’s participation in many peace- themed parades/walks in which he always carried bamboo peace poles strung with origami cranes. BWA members passed out individual origami cranes to spectators on the parade who were delighted to receive them.

Early morning – waiting for PBA bus. Norman is always walking with us.

Hawaii Federation of BWAs banner was at the front of the Honpa Hongwanji contingent.

The parade ended at Kapiolani Park!


Submitted by Wendie Yumori - January 2024


BWA 125th Anniversary and Year End Party


From The Warm Glow of Silence