Community Service Report

BWA Snack Bar proceeds go to Maui Wildfire Disaster Relief Fund

Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the BWA Snack Bar at the Mar. 2 Pickleball fundraiser at HMS. The BWA Snack Bar made $328 for the Maui Wildfire Disaster Relief Fund. President Jo desMarets presented the check to Rev. Blayne Nakasone-Sakata who planned this fundraising event with the Oahu Pickleball Association.

Hawaiian Shirts for Deployed Soldiers

Another shipment of aloha shirts was sent in March to Hawaiian Shirts for Deployed Solders in So. Carolina. On Mar. 17, this Facebook post from Hawaiian Shirts for Deployed Soldiers appeared: “Check out this Aloha sweepstakes from Jo DesMartes (sp.) and the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin Buddhist women’s Association in Honolulu, Hawaii! Wow ladies, what a wonderful contribution! You always send in great morale boosting contributions for our deployed heroes. These 31 Alohas along with the perfect “extras” are fun choices to bring joy to a base overseas....We are going to send some authentic Hawaiian happiness to SSGT Acosta’s team next weekend! Thank you so very much, Jo and ladies! I certainly appreciate your continued support. It makes me smile each time I see your colorful shipping labels. Your joy is contagious. Thank you for passing it along!”

Spring Bazaar BWA Rummage Sale leftovers help the community

Troop 49 Boy Scouts after Social Hall Clean-up UH Project HOME pickup

Warmest mahalo to the Girl Scouts and BWA members who packed the BWA Rummage Sale leftovers in boxes and to Troop 49 Boy Scouts who cleaned up the Main Social Hall. Charitable organizations and temples received rummage sale leftovers. UH Project HOME, a former Dana Awardee, received children’s books, boxed Barbie dolls, and stuffed animal toys. A Micronesian community was happy to receive children’s books, T-shirts, luggage, a duffle bag, two lamps, and shoes. Jikoen Hongwanji selected a few things for their rummage sale and the folks from Tenrikyo Temple chose enough items to fill half their van. Kanai’s Rolloff service took the rest of the rummage sale leftovers to Savers.

Spring Bazaar BWA Clothes Sale leftovers also benefit the community

Clothes Sale bagged items Salvation Army pickup

Many thanks to the Girl Scouts and BWA members who bagged all the clothing leftovers following the BWA Clothes Sale. Mr. Keith Kadomoto (Troop 49) received four bags of men’s clothing to take to U.S. Vets Wai’anae who are homeless. One bag of formal dresses went to the Bella Project, a YWCA Oahu project, whose mission it is to make prom and other special events affordable for every high school student.

Six bags of men’s T-shirts went to Youth Outreach for homeless youth in Waikiki. UH Project HOME was given two bags of women’s T-shirts and two bags of children’s clothing. The rest of the clothing went to the Salvation Army to stock Salvation Army Thrift Stores.


Submitted by Wendie Yumori - April 2024


Chasing Light On A Tennis Court


BWA 125th Anniversary and Year End Party